This update gives you: Quicker access to the statistics More appealing design of the statistics More meaningful filename when sharing timers Have fun and let us know what you think
Hiitmi 1.0.22-beta (Update)
This update optimizes the countdown behavior for timers with no rest phase.
Hiitmi 0.1.36-beta (Update)
New loud beep sounds are available to hear Hiitmi better in case you are training in a noisy environment (available in settings📱) Keep on training 💪🏻
Hiitmi 0.1.34-beta (Update)
New buttons to switch between circuit training and straight sets (available in exercise set📱) New languags: Portuguese (Português) With 🔊english voice Keep on training 💪🏻
Hiitmi 0.1.29-beta (Update)
Try out new additional bright theme/design (available in settings📱) New languages: Dutch (Nederlandse) Italian (Italiano) With 🔊english voice Keep on training 💪🏻